Each of us has our own comfortable distance in communicating with other people.

Psychologists of the University of Yale (USA) Lawrence Williams and John Barg (Lawrence Williams, John Bargh) found that the distance is important when it comes to objects and impressions. The participants of the experiment were asked to mark a couple of points on the plane. Depending on the given distance between the points (small or large), one group “tuned” on a sense of tightness, and the other had a feeling of spaciousness. Then it was proposed to read an excerpt that causes embarrassment, and a description of the brutal scene. It turned out that in the group of “spaciousness” the read was perceived more calmly. In another experience, when evaluating the harmful food, “tightness” forced to evaluate the calorie content of chocolate and french fries above. These experiments prove that crowding makes us more vulnerable and suspicious, and a sufficient distance gives a feeling of emotional security.

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