Most likely, you heard that in the modern world, Soft Skills are increasingly appreciated – interpersonal communication skills. It is they who determine how we communicate with others, solve problems, control ourselves and our work. We tell you why this is so important.

Our ability to perform our work is purely technically-write a code or text, prepare or organize, purchase or draw something-is determined by the presence of Hard Skills, professional skills. We purchase them while studying at the institute and in courses, and then work out in practice.

It is they who help us to be productive and effective, to achieve career successes. And if so, why do we need something else? Why spend time to acquire and hone social skills? But why.

Even US President Theodore Roosevelt said: “The main ingredient of the success formula is knowledge of how to get along with people”. Note, we are talking about any formula of success – not only in work and career, but also in other areas of life. Moreover: mastering social competencies oh how difficult it is – much more difficult than some professions.

Our Soft Skills determine not only how well we cope with our work, but also what we generally represent how we control our own reality, are we able to establish and maintain connections with others. These skills are not only required – they are necessary. It is thanks to them that the most significant changes occur in our lives.

What kind of skills are they and how can they come in handy?

1. Ability to find a common language with others

Moreover, with everyone, and not only with those who are initially cute to us. It is extremely important to be able to communicate easily and at ease with a variety of people. This will help look at different situations from their point of view. To get along with others, whether they are family members, colleagues or random fellow travelers, you must learn to listen. And, most likely, if you have mastered this skill, you own the other six.

2. The ability to unobtrusively convey their opinion

In this equation, the keywords are “convey” and “unobtrusive”. And the ability to convey to others their own point of view, verbally or in writing, talking a tete-a-tet or speaking in public, leading a blog or recording podcast or videos for YouTube. And the lack of expectations that the interlocutor is impressed by your speech and will immediately go to your side. It is important to say what you think without trying to impose your position to others.

3. The ability to control oneself

Anyone who was in a relationship with a quick -tempered, unpredictable and aggressive partner, or worked with such an employee, will confirm to you: this is a real hell. The ability to control your emotions does not mean at all that you should strangle them in the root or restrained to the last – on the contrary, it is important to feel them, determine and be able to express, be able to cheer up and reassure yourself. It is important not to be shy and not to be afraid to seek help when you need it, but not to rely only on it. This skill can be pumped endlessly.

4. The ability to adapt quickly

Many of us are the state of uncertainty drives into severe stress and makes you react impulsively. At

Une autre étude impliquée dans 500 collège étudiants a confirmé les résultats du premier. Les participants à l’étude ont posé la question suivante: “Si vous gagnez 100 $, comment faites-vous avec eux, je vais tout cialis generique prix de soi-même, de faire une partie de la charité ou de donner à la charité tout le montant?” Bien sûr, même avant de poser la question, les scientifiques ont découvert les détails de la vie sexuelle des étudiants (Oh, ces scientifiques!).

these moments, we sometimes do not care about how this will affect others. We need to be flexible from us. Not all changes will like us, but we need to understand why we can change. And first of all, we need this in order to remain persistent.

5. The ability to motivate yourself.

If you want to achieve something in life and get what you want, it is stupid to hope that someone will stand over your soul, adjust, wrack and cheer up. You need to learn how to do it ourselves. And yes, it’s easier to say than to do.

6. … and others

To do this, it is not necessary to be a “man-positist” round day. The main thing is to remember that it is completely impossible to motivate others if you are not able to shift the point of yourself from the dead.

7. Good manners

It sounds obviously, but, alas, many of us recall politeness only when they themselves need something from others or when they face people standing on the upper steps of the social staircase. Communicate equally respectfully and affably with everyone – you will see, this will help you a lot in life in general and in a career in particular.